How to Geocode Contacts and Accounts in MappyField
When you have new client details, there are chances that you don’t have geocode data of those clients. In that case, MappyField provides a functionality called Assign Bulk Geocode process. Based on customer address, city, state, zip code, and country, Dynamics 365 map will provide geocode data of those customers. Having geocode data will help you to get customers’ locations. Here are some steps that will help you to assign bulk geocode to the customers in Dynamics 365 Map. Step 1: Navigate to the CRM side and select [Your Model Driven App] Step 2: Once you navigate to the CRM then, go to the Account or Contact Section, depending on where you want to generate geocode. The below image is one of the contacts. As you can see, this contact does not have a latitude and longitude. Step 3: In the CRM ribbon (navigation bar), you can see the Get Geocode ribbon button. Step 4: Click on the Get GeoCode button and a popup asking to get geocode for all records will open up...