Top 5 Reasons to Migrate to Mobile CRM App
“One technology year is equivalent to 4 human years ” - says a popular quote for IT advancements. While we were still at the debate whether a CRM is an integral tool for small to medium enterprises, we have a new vertical knocking on the door. A CRM Mobile App . The ERPs and the CRMs and the Automation Tools - they are all dragons in the industry. It would still be a challenge to define the complete scope of any of them for a business. And to have that scope fixed for a quarter! With changing technological changes, the business requirements also upgrade. For SugarCRM / SuiteCRM users, a similar question in front is sugarcrm mobile app / suitecrm mobile app. Here are top 5 benefits of switching to the option: Information on the Go Having a suitecrm mobile app / sugarcrm mobile app would allow you to provide the ultimate tool to access data on the go to your employees. It is a powerful tool to share, upload and download data using the handheld devices. And mobile ap...