CRM Mobile Apps: What Freedom Feels Like
Customer relationship management is a cyclic process. And like everything else, the process evolves over time. There’s always going to be a new problem to solve and new technology to solve it. Today, a major portion of the sales is based on reviews. Ironically, this form of word of mouth is quickly becoming an important decisive factor. This means you must get it right, every single time. To get positive reviews you must make sure that you don’t miss a single follow up or have a single bad call. If you’re reading this, you are probably a part of this process. And you must be aware of the current predicament. Sales are happening globally, 24x7. That means you need a solution that is accessible, on the go, 24x7. Do you see what I’m getting at? We know that CRM software such as SuiteCRM and SugarCRM have helped you take control, in the troubled seas of today’s market. And they will continue to do so through your Sugar CRM or SuiteCRM mobile app . The CRM solved a major...