Survey Automation: The Most Significant Feature in Survey Tools!
Editor’s Note: This article has been updated and republished with the updated information to add more value. As per a study, 17% of customers in the US will stop interacting with a company after just one bad experience. While in Latin America, the percentage is even more - a whopping 32% ! I bet you won't want to lose up to 32 of your customers out of 100 on any business day, will you? I am sure you won’t. So, what do these figures/stats indicate? That a good customer experience is a must to retain the existing customer base - and expand it further. Now the question arises - how? While there are a number of methods for this, a customer survey is an indispensable one - especially for online businesses. But creating CRM surveys manually and sending them to a large customer base can be ‘really’ challenging and time-consuming. Here comes into picture the concept of ‘automation of surveys’. Before we start how survey automation helps streamline creation and...