Creating A Multilingual Store in Magento: A Step-by-Step Guide
To keep up with the fierce competition in the ecommerce industry, you constantly need to think of ways to broaden your market and increase the sales of your online store. Having a multilingual website helps you to reach out to markets that your competitors are yet to reach; hence you have a good chance of setting up your brand image in the markets with different language and currency preferences. Moreover, you don’t need to exhaust additional resources to run a multilingual site. The cost of operating a unilingual and multilingual site is about the same. You just need to set up multiple languages and currencies on your current Magento site by following some easy steps. In this blog, we have provided a step-by-step guide to help you create a multilingual store in Magento by yourself: Step 1: Download Language Packages The first step would be to download the relevant language package(s) you require to set up your website in. Visit Magento Connect store for available translations....