Mobile CRM: The Logistical Helping Hand In A Hospital
COVID-19 is a storm that has hit every possible industry there is. Be it manufacturing, automobile, agriculture, service, IT, and more. Some it has hit hard, and some a little less. The industry that is working the hardest and has the most difficult job is the medical industry. Hospitals are understaffed and have less equipment in comparison to the number of patients that they are dealing with. While the doctors and nurses are less in number, the administrative staff is also less and at risk. The more people that come into contact with the virus, the more people are likely to get infected. And the more people are likely to get infected, the more the chances are for the virus to spread. This is when one of the solutions is to let technology do the heavy lifting. While there are contact tracing apps that are working to figure out if one has been exposed, tech also needs to be implemented inside hospitals. And it needs to go beyond the administrative desks. Large hospitals hav...