Dynamics CRM Map Integration: A Smart Way to Sell

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software is a big hit among every sized enterprise around the world. The reason behind its success is that this software allows firms to nurture their customer relations and build a strong-based alliance with prospects. Some of the renowned CRM features are Lead management, Contact Management, Campaign Management, Reports & dashboards, and Email Tracking. All these features make CRM software a must-have for every organization. And with the technological advances happening every day, there are some CRM extensions that expand the usage scope of CRM. And one such feature is CRM Map Integration.
But what is CRM Map integration? What does it offer to an organization like yours? And as mentioned in our title, how will it help you sell smartly?
Integrating maps with CRM means you will be able to visualize your CRM customer data on the maps which will give you a better geographical idea of your customer base. Based on this data, the Sales manager can devote the resources and energy to the required areas accordingly.
This feature of CRM Map integration is the future of the Sales Department. An essential in your sales stack and here’s how it will up your company’s sales game.


Recognize high performing areas:

A proper Geo-analytical mapping tool will provide you with an overview of your CRM customer data on a user-friendly, interactive, and easy to understand map. This enables the Sales manager to know the highest and lowest performing regions from the targeted areas.
Manager can utilize this information smartly to reallocate the resources accordingly. Moreover, such CRM Map integration equipped with features like Heat map and summary card which highlight the area with a number of customer records & sales and color bifurcation.
One such popular Dynamics CRM Map Integration extension is Quick maps with multiple dynamics CRM mapping fields. This tool allows you to configure color, radius, and intensity according to your choice to create a heat map. A map that is custom-tailored to your preferences and needs.

Manage Your Sales Team:

One of the most acknowledged challenges that a Sales manager faces is getting live updates of the Sales reps on the field. Communication between a Sales Rep and Manager should be efficient in order to close deals. Being a necessity, it also is a challenge. A rep can communicate with a single manager but it becomes hard for a manager to communicate with multiple reps.
And the solution for such a challenge is CRM Map integration. It enables the manager to assign a lead or customer to the Sales rep in the area right from the tool. Making it an effective way to manage the sales reps on the field.
CRM Mapping integration tools are also compatible with mobile devices giving freedom to the sales department to operate from anywhere and everywhere. The ease in accessibility creates space for the sales department to expand beyond expectations.

Access Data Offline:

If you are in the sales department, then you know how essential customer data is. More importantly, having the right data at the right time is necessary if you are the one on the field.
When you are in the office where you have proper data connection, it is easy to fetch the data you require. But when you are on the go, it becomes a tab bit difficult to access data because of multiple reasons like poor internet connection, network issues, lack of time, etc.
And that’s where the CRM map integration tool comes in the picture. The Sales Rep can download area specific customer data when he is leaving the office which he will be able to access if offline whenever he wants.

Nurture Your Existing Customers:

Rewarding long-term customers is the best way to make sure they stay with you for another few years and bring their business to you. And what better way to reward such customers than to organizing a small and cozy get together of your existing customers according to a particular area.
You can create a central location in Dynamics CRM Map integration tool and choose a radius of your choice to view the nearby customers. And accordingly, you can choose a point of gathering like a small restaurant, coffee bar, etc. which is convenient to all your customers.
This way you can make the best of your time while on the field. Making sales and nurturing customers simultaneously will benefit the sales department and indirectly the organization.

Analyze & Execute:

A Geo-analytical dashboard right in your CRM serves a great purpose. That purpose is the overview of the data it provides. In today’s world, all you need to make successful decisions is data. Microsoft Dynamics CRM mapping tool will give the sales manager an overview of the sales figures according to the regions.
This makes the work for the manager easier. The data presented visually is always easy to understand and interpret. Making sense out of such data and then coming up with viable solutions gets easier. And with the data being region specific, it becomes easier to know the pain points and regions where the manager needs to pay attention.
The world is changing with every blink and so should our ways to operate and do business. From finding new leads to making a pitch in front of a prospect, you need an up-gradation of the whole process. Sales was never an easy task and with so much competition out there it has become the toughest task.
Adapting to the new ways and technology in the sales department is the only way to make sure you are up to the level of this task and that you have an edge over the competition. And a tool like Quick Maps will surely help you in achieving the ace position in the market.


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