
Resource Management 101: Your Guide to Utilizing Your Resources Optimally

  Resource. Such an umbrella word that without context you’d be lost as to what it means. People? Money? Equipment? Raw materials? It can mean anything. But that’s not the difficult part. Management of ‘resources’ is. And that’s why the blog.   We are going to cover a wide variety of topics related to resource management so that when you finish reading this blog, you are pumped up with at least 10 ways to improve your resource planning, distribution, and overall management. Resource Management: ✔️ What is resource management? ✔️ Why is it important? ✔️ Advantages of doing it the right way ✔️ Tools you need First question: What really is resource management? Well, it is the management of people, equipment, and money. In relation to each other. While getting the optimal benefit out of each resource without running them dry. Of course, that sounds contradictory but that’s where the word ‘management’ comes in. The primary and important resource is people. But also money. So find t...

How Our Magento 2 Australia Post Extension can Mitigate Shipping Issues

  Of late, almost all major shipping services across the world have faced some ‘challenges’ in deliveries due to lockdown restrictions in various countries. The reason behind this is the sudden surge in the number of daily orders placed with online merchants using various shipping services provided by shipping service companies. As a result, a number of online e-store owners are now looking for a solution to mitigate the delivery issues – or at least update the customers about their order statuses. For a big store with a large number of orders placed daily, streamlining order fulfillment is a must. If you too are an Australia-based online store owner and deliver your products to Australian customers or abroad, Australia Post can be a good option for you. However, there are some issues that can ruin your customers’ shopping experience. For instance, they may get late deliveries, shipping service selection issues, or tracking issues. If you too are a Magento...

How to Create and Assign Security Template in MappyField 365

  Nowadays data security plays a vital role in any company or organization. Every user needs to have a different level of security configuration and module access. Being a System Administrator, you can create multiple security templates to provide the different levels of access to the users as per their roles & responsibilities in MappyField 365, our   Dynamics 365 map integration .   In this blog, we are going to make it easier for you to do the same! We are going to show how you can create a Security Template as per different levels of the organizational hierarchy and the user’s role so they can perform the only necessary actions to keep the data secure and accurate and make data sharing safe and easy. Follow the below steps to configure the Security Template: Step 1: Navigate to AppJetty → MappyField 365 From the Dynamics 365 dashboard, navigate to   AppJetty → MappyField 365   and click on the   Security Template Configuration . Step 2: Create a Sec...

3 Must-Consider Points before Website Translation

  If you are a business owner looking to expand your business globally, you must be planning a lot of strategies for sure. While all the strategies play an important role, you can’t underestimate website translation which is much more important than people think. While people often build personal relationships, localize marketing strategies and products, etc. they overlook effective website translation. Sounds trivial, but far more valuable in actuality. While you can argue that website translation is a matter of minutes with Google Translate API.  However, there is more than meets the eye. While a good translation extension like Magento 2 Language Switcher extension can help, it won’t suffice alone.  Read on to know a few things to consider to ensure on-point language translation. Don’t Miss ‘Language Intricacies’ Every language differs from the other. If you think that translating the language of your website content is all you need, it is not so.  Despite the impr...