
Showing posts from April, 2022

3 Prominent Benefits of Inventory Management Tool for Magento 2

I am sure you all are already aware of how important it is to manage business inventory properly. Failing at it can make you suffer from huge losses. For instance, in the 2000s Nike lost $100 million in sales due to poor tracking of goods. There are many examples of giant companies that lost millions due to poor inventory management. Problems like inaccurate data, limited visibility, inconsistent tracking, complex supply chain, etc., need your maximum attention to solve them. Because at the end if your inventory is messed up, then there is no way that your business will get sorted on any terms. In fact, you can lose customers due to poor inventory management. If you own a Magento store, then this article can help you to be an inventory expert. To help you avoid the above mentioned problems, I have a solution - Magento Inventory Manager Software. It has ample benefits that we will watch out for in this article. Allow for Automated and Easy Management Ask anyone out there, and find me on...

How to Plot Data on Google Map in Dynamics 365 Map

A s sales reps, if you’re spending more time on field, you probably know the importance of maps and how they help reach clients’ locations on time. However, like any other software, using Google Maps requires a trick. Because as easy as it sounds, it can be tricky to plot data for visualization. Hence, this article explains how to plot data on Google Map using MappyField 365, the geo-analytical plugin of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM. To plot data on Google Map: 1. First, add the entity by using an Entity to Map functionality, the same as the Bing Map. 2. Go to the Entity Mapping tab on the left side and click on the New button. 3. Select the entity that you want to view on the map. 4. Click on the Save button. You can set data grid attributes, data filter attributes, summary card attributes, tooltip attributes, and set view selection from Entity to Map Configuration. Configure Data Grid Attribute 1. Go to the Google Map page and select the entity from the Plot tab. 2. After selecting the...

Configure Google Maps in MappyField 365

While working on-field, getting a real-time update about unusual traffic, roadblocks, and other factors are considered a blessing. Dynamics 365 Map helps your reps with optimized routes via Google Maps. They can look for nearby places and find anything they want on the map. Here’s how to configure it: To set Google Maps configuration: 1. First, open configuration from the solution or the map. From the solution, go to the Advance Setting -> Click Solution and then click on MappyField 365 Solution. To open configuration from the map tab, click on the settings icon shown in the image below. 2. On clicking the solution/icon, the Settings screen will show up. 3. Click on the Google Maps Configuration tab. 4. Tick the ‘Enable Google Maps’ checkbox to enable Google Maps. 5. Enter Google Map API key. If you don’t have one, you can generate it by clicking on the link – How to generate Google Map API Key? 6. Enter the default configuration used on map load. 7. Enter default latitude, longitu...