
Showing posts with the label dynamics 365 calendar

How to View/Create/Edit Customers’ Activities in Dynamics Calendar

Managing CRM and calendar separately for activities becomes tedious and time-consuming. You have to manually update changes in Calendar as well as CRM. If you use the default calendar that Dynamics 365 provides, you’ll need to create the activity for every individual contact separately. What if you can get rid of this old-fashioned updating style? And what if you get free of the hassle of creating activities separately for each contact? With the right Dynamics 365 Calendar entity , your activity management becomes seamless and hassle-free. It will let you create and manage customer events and activities simultaneously from a single page. So, it is important to know how to view, create or edit customers’ activities straight from within your Dynamics Calendar extension. Let’s see how you can do all these operations from a Dynamics Calendar extension; Calendar 365. Create Customers’ Activities in Calendar 365 The first thing you must know is how to create a new ac

Make Your Busy Schedule a Productive One with Dynamics Calendar

Over  25 million  meetings happen every day in the United States alone. This gives us an idea of how difficult it can be to control a calendar schedule. Now, between these meetings and 5-feet long to-do list, sometimes you lose sight of the important tasks. However, there are little tweaks like changing your schedule, planning it in advance, etc. that turns an unorganized, busy schedule into a productive one. Here is how you can do it. Plan it It is important to plan your day to day activities. Like what are the things you will be doing in the morning or throughout the day? With a Dynamics calendar, you can get a view of these things in the form of activities. However, to plan your activities for the whole day or week, you can opt for calendar extensions such as calendar 365. After installing, you can add an activity and perform further operations like edit, reschedule, delete, etc. to schedule your day from the calendar itself as it has all the CRM data av

How to Manage Activities with Dynamics Calendar

Activities in Dynamics 365 are tasks related to customer entity like a call, setting up a meeting, appointment, sending pricing quotes or emails, etc. You can assign these activities to yourself or other team members. Here the question arises, how can you make the most out of them? For example, if you are in a meeting with your customers, you need to be specific with what they are looking for in your services. Did they ask for enhancements in your current package or expressed concerns for budgets? Or any highlights of the meeting. Chances are that you might forget these little details. In such cases, you can open your Dynamics CRM in mobile and add these notes in the specific appointment created for the meeting. This can help you focus on the details leading to more clients for your organization. So, let’s see how you can manage activities in   service calendar Dynamics 365 to make the most out of it. Step 1:   Find your activities: → Click on the sitemap and select activi

How to Create Shared Calendar in Dynamics 365

This blog shows how to share a calendar view with your team members or any of the Dynamics CRM users. If you are managing a team or multiple projects, then you know how messy it can get. Especially the communication part. Be it with the team or with multiple project managers, you might miss some of the other things during meetings.So, what if you could share a calendar view of all priority tasks with the required details among your team or with the project managers? And that’s what we are going to show in this blog. How to save a calendar view and then share it with other Dynamics 365 users in your organization. To do it seamlessly, you can browse on MS AppSource to find the right calendar that fulfills your requirements. In this blog, we are taking   Dynamics 365 Calendar , a Dynamics Calendar extension, to show you how to save and share a calendar view in Dynamics 365. Step 1: Choosing a calendar extension The first step here is that you will need to choose and install the